
标题: The Angel Test(守護天使測驗) [打印本页]

作者: nova酱    时间: 2016-10-30 01:45
标题: The Angel Test(守護天使測驗)
Greetings and welcome to the Angel Test, or more precisely, the Patron Angel Test. It measures which Angel best covers your needs at this time of your life. (守護天使測驗是測量最近在你生活中,哪位天使最能支持到你的需要)
Angels are androgynous (雌雄同體)beings said to protect us when we are in danger, show us the way when we are lost, comfort us, and lead us through our trials and tribulations. There are hundreds of Angels, each one of them having a more or less unique purpose. Let's find out what kind of earthly or spiritual matters you could use some angelic help with! (天使的存在是來保護我們,尤其在苦難與危險時刻,引領並安慰我們。上百位天使中,每位都有自己獨特的存在意義與使命。讓我們來看看在物質或精神世界中,你可以尋求哪位天使的幫助)

Note: Though there are supposedly seven Archangels, there has been some debate on who the seven are. In this test, all Angels speculated to be Archangels will be titled as such. Ultimately there are 10 "Archangels" in it. (一般有七位大天使的說法,但是哪七位則有爭論。此處將10位天使皆稱為大天使)

Also note that although Angels are agreed to be androgynous they are usually referred to as male. (雖然天使為雌雄同體,但通常被認為是男性,只有極少數情況會被認為是女性。)On rare occasions an Angel may be explicitly referred to as female, but not usually. I will be using "he" simply because it's more respectful than "it", but actually I agree that it's not quite fair neither correct, but what will you do. Most of us know that certain orthodox religions are not exactly pioneers of admitting female characters the same worthiness of being revered or at least mentioned as the male characters we all know so well. In fact, they are usually portrayed as impure or cunning. Slightly dim at best. Anyway, it won't change anytime soon so I won't dwell on it. My apologies.  


作者: XLLL    时间: 2016-10-30 11:39
作者: XLLL    时间: 2016-10-30 11:40
作者: nova酱    时间: 2016-10-30 12:03
XLLL 發表於 2016-10-30 11:40

作者: nova酱    时间: 2016-10-30 12:04
XLLL 發表於 2016-10-30 11:39

作者: 黑棋子    时间: 2016-10-30 12:35
恩    看不懂英文
作者: nova酱    时间: 2016-10-31 09:24
黑棋子 發表於 2016-10-30 12:35
恩    看不懂英文

我待会开个新的 是翻译哪个测试的
作者: XLLL    时间: 2016-11-6 13:54
nova酱 發表於 2016-10-30 12:03


作者: nova酱    时间: 2016-11-7 04:49
XLLL 發表於 2016-11-6 13:54


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